Exterior Painting Contractors

The Exterior Painting Company That's:
On Schedule| Within Budget| Prevents Couch Paint


In reality, painting has benefits for your house that are both attractive and practical. Some of them will start working straight away and improve your home’s qualities, while others will build up over time as money-saving methods.

Do you need the services of a professional interior painting company? Consider Califirst Remodel first. Make sure you’re working with a paint company that has the experience to support their work when you decide to hire them. 

Califirst Remodel is the best Company to call because we have years of experience!

5 Surprising Advantages of Painting the Exterior of Your Home With Califirst Remodel


You might have had different tastes when you initially moved into your home, or you might have always disliked the color of it! Even if you adored the color, you might be ready for a change after several years of the same thing. Never underestimate the visual appeal that painting your home may add; you’ll notice something fresher and more vibrant each time you pull into the driveway, and this goes beyond simply selecting a color. By giving your siding the appearance of being more recent, a fresh coat of paint can alter the appearance of your entire home.


Your home may be harmed by nature. Only a few of the natural elements that could potentially harm your home include rain, wind, sleet, snow, insects, and fire. The right paint can resist nearly all of these (to a certain extent). Think of paint as the foundation of your home’s outside shield. It helps you avoid the astronomical costs related to mold and mildew damage by preventing moisture from entering your house. It adds an additional layer of defense from direct precipitation harm.You can even stop insects from getting inside your home.


Many Homeowners Associations mandate a particular design for all the homes on the street. Your Homeowners Association could issue a painting-repair warning if the paint on your home is flaking or it appears like it needs a new coat.

If you fail to maintain your house to comply with their requirements, your HOA may fine you even though the initial letter may only be a simple warning.


The visual value of your property extends beyond your personal enjoyment; if you plan to sell, exterior painting can significantly improve curb appeal. Although related to both personal appeal and home value, curb appeal is independent of both; rather, it focuses on creating the right atmosphere when a potential buyer first views your home. Think of it as putting “foot in the door” for a potential sale; if people find the exterior appealing, they are much more likely to inquire inside and have a look.

Contact us for a free quote and discover how we can help you


When we paint the exterior of your home, we can get closer to the paint and detect problems that might not be apparent from the street. By taking care of this damage when painting, you avoid having to pay for expensive repairs later on when the damage gets worse.

We are experts, therefore we may be able to see the harm that you are unable to. If necessary, we will address such harm. One of the main contributors to mold development and undetectable leaks in a home is hidden damage.


There are a lot of things to keep in mind to ensure the job is done correctly when deciding to paint the exterior of your home. It’s not just a matter of picking a color and slapping it on the side. You ensure a contractor has a good reputation, make sure you choose one with sufficient industry expertise. Hiring a contractor won’t cost much more than the cost of paint and can help you assure the consistency and durability of your job. Get in touch with us right away if you want to know more about Califirst Remodel or if you’re ready for a quotation.


Which outdoor surface types are paintable?

A wide variety of external surfaces on your property can be painted by Califirst Remodel Several instances include:

  • Siding
  • Trim
  • Concrete
  • Gates or fences
  • Windows and doors
  • Parking spaces

What time of day is ideal for painting outside?

Due to the environment in Los Angeles, exterior painting work can be finished at any time of the year.

How much time does painting outside require?

The project's scope will determine this. Depending on the size, painting a full house will take anywhere from three to six days. Give us a call to find out more about the timing for your outside painting.

How is my landscaping protected from exterior painting?

To protect your landscaping from any potential paint our team might use, we use drop cloths.

The ideal paint for outdoor surfaces?

The kind of surface that is being painted determines this. Our staff can select the appropriate type of paint for the project after we have additional information about the outside surface.

Do I require a permission in order to paint my home?

The majority of towns don't require a permission to paint a house. However, if your HOA has any applicable rules, we do advise you to review them.